In Pakistan, especially in the previous few years, the disaster rate has risen.Unfortunately, many stories of lives interrupted accompany these catastrophic economic losses, and experts fear that this growing frequency and severity of calamity has become the new normal.
When a disaster strikes in the country or abroad, the Madinah Foundation has always been there to help with the rescue, relief, and reconstruction. Foundation has a large network of workers and volunteers in Pakistan and around the world, so we have always been able to respond quickly whenever a need has arisen. In the past few years, Madinah Foundation responded to a number of these intense natural disasters and supported responses to man-made disasters, including the refugee crisis. In addition, the foundation provides rescue, relief, and rehabilitation services to the affected people at the time of national calamities disasters.
Madinah Foundation has been responding to the voices of the victims of the 2005 earthquake, as well as floods in 2010, 2011, and 2012. We were there from start to finish, from rescue to rehabilitation. In the aftermath of the 2005 earthquake, the Madinah foundation's management was on forefront in the field to help the earthquake-stricken families.
Moreover,Madinah foundation's disaster management support program distributed ration bags and other necessities to 7000 Syrian refugee families displaced by the ongoing war in Syrian and Iraq .Additionally, we aided the victims of the Muslim genocide through tents, ration bags, infant feed, pregnant woman feed, first aid kits, mats,blankets, and other necessities were delivered to these victims. Our volunteers also attend training on the fundamentals of healthcare to assist them in dealing with the current circumstances during those trying times