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Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

One of the Madinah Foundation is to provide access to clean drinking water  and basic sanitation across  Pakistan to not contract life-threatening diseases due to contaminated water. By the end of 2030, the foundation aims to provide everyone with safe and inexpensive drinking water.

Water and sanitation are fundamental human rights that directly impact life, health, wealth, and opportunity. Yet, in Pakistan, one out of every nine individuals lacks access to safe drinking water, and over 2.5 million people lack proper sanitation and hygiene. When compared to areas that are stable and free of armed conflict, people living in conflict-ridden and unstable zones are four times more likely to be denied access to safe drinking water, which can lead to potentially fatal diseases such as intestinal infections, cholera, and other illnesses that can lead to death.

Moreover, Water scarcity, flooding, and a lack of adequate wastewater treatment obstruct our country's social and economic progress. In addition, contaminated water can result from a lack of sanitation, such as improper latrines or toilets. The Madinah Foundation is committed to increasing poor communities' access to safe drinking water, promoting hygiene, and better managing medical waste.

Madinah Foundation Thrives for the right to clean, drinkable water for all. This conviction motivates us to assist water access projects across Pakistan, such as drilling water wells, constructing and replenishing water tanks, and supporting water stations in regions where they are needed. In addition, the foundation installs water filtration systems, providing pure and clean water to thousands of people. We also especially organize hygienic practices awareness programs for women in partnership with Madinah Teaching hospital.The goal is to provide latrines and personal hygiene kits to underprivileged women in Pakistan.